New to BYC


6 Years
Apr 18, 2013
Webbs Mills, NY
Hello All! I am fairly new to BYC and wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I'll try to answer the questions in the original post for this forum...

About Me: I live in upstate NY near the NY/PA border in a small rural town. I am new to chickens but as soon as we moved to this rural area I knew I just had to raise some chicks. My father had a couple chickens, turkeys and geese when I was a kid and they were hilarious to watch. I purchased 6 chicks from Tractor Supply in April 2013.

My Flock: I purchased 6 chicks from Tractor Supply in April 2013. 2 black bantams (1 of which is a rooster named "Chicken Nugget"), 2 are Rhode Island Reds and the other 2... well I can't remember what breed they are but they are also a reddish brown color with some white. Maybe someone on here knows? My purpose for the chickens will be for egg production for my household and relatives/friends, and of course for their entertaining antics!!!

I found BYC just through a Google search and found have found it to be very helpful!!!

Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy gardening, camping and other outdoor activities. I love watching movies and listening to music (mostly country.) I have also a volunteer firefighter and EMT since 2001.

Family/Other Pets: I live in upstate NY in a rural little town with my fiance and his 10 year old son. We have 2 dogs, who are both Pit Bull mixes(HUGE lap dogs!!!) and 3 cats who were all strays that adopted me somewhere along the way.

I also just just started raising mealworms with the help of the thread on this site. I am really looking to sharing this new chicken adventure with ya'll!
Welcome to BYC. I would guess that the reddish brown chicks with some white are red sex links. Good luck with your flock.

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