New to BYC


5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
New to BYC and soon to be newly back into chickens. (last had chickens on the farm when I was 6, turning 60 this July LOL) Closing on a small 10 acre place in early May. First thing we'll probably do after getting the tomatoes and peppers in the ground is work on a coop and run. Figuring on 8 to 10 hens to start, probably no rooster since we are interested in eggs for ourselves and friends, not hatching chicks or raising for meat. Hopefully planning on having the 'girls' help with mulching and garden pest control. I've read a lot, found out some of my ideas were wrong to start with and some where partly right, with a little modification.
Any way looking forward to chickens again!

Welcome to BYC!

And welcome to the world of chickens! If you need any tips or hints on getting started, building the coop or raising the babies, stop by our learning center here on BYC for lots of great articles on all the aspects of keeping poultry....

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Welcome Chad! The world of chickens is a wonderful and interesting place. Seems like I learn something new everyday here and the folks are very helpful.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new home, good luck with the garden and chicken projects!

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