new to chicken life


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 18, 2014
i am new to having chicken, my husband and i have fallen for several breeds and filled our coup with several calm pretties and my fave banties. i have 3 banty columbians and 2 buff brahmas. we can watch them for hours. we have had a few loses sadly, but our flock is doing well, except the new banty rooster. i fear he has coccidiosis, we just got him a few days ago. i called the people we got him from, but i am at a mad pace to find the medication for him. thanks to this page i have the info and will be making a mad dash to our farm store in the morning. he looks like a miniature kelloggs rooster, wish me and him luck

Welcome to BYC!

So sorry about your rooster! Get him on some Corid or Amprolium and that should get him back to good health soon.

I hope he is going to be ok. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you have a nice little flock! Sorry your rooster is sick, hope he recovers, at the farm store tomorrow, you should be able to find some sort of amprolium for him, it is usually in the livestock section. Really good dosage thread on it. and if it looks like something else is going on be sure to post in the Emergencies forum about him
thanks all, i have read the thread concerning coccidiosis, i fear he has it. he has bloody diarrhea and very listless, i found him this morning. not knowing what to get i have put some probiotics and electrolytes in his water hoping it would help. he is presently in isolation, but i feel i should treat the whole bunch. he was quite a bugger when we first brought him home, throwing his chest out, we were talked into a white leghorn and not really over the top for him. so we had high hopes for our new guy. and the girls love him
Def treat the whole flock. If put him back in with the others so he isn't alone. Since you'll be treating everyone, it would be ok to do this. Hope he pulls through. I'm currently treating mine for this very thing.
you are right, he is in an isolation cage we made up that is in with the coup. but good point to treat him and the entire flock. i am worried about my girls. my husbnd enjoys the faveroles. i am particularly worried about my silkies and crested, they may not e the egg producers like the marans, but i like their looks. so we do have some fun girls
I totally get it. I've only had mine a few weeks now and have already spent a few nights up with them into the wee hours or reading on here as to what to do. Being a first time mom to anything g sure can be stressful. ;)
well time to get off here and check the girls, chilly nights here so i need to check and make sure heat is good

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