New to chicken raising


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014

Hello, this is my foray into raising chicks. I did incubate some chicks with my students one year. I have six chicks and a bantam coming this week. I am in a bind because I need a larger coop than I bought. I am pretty ready for the big day other wise.
Do you mean cooper or brooder for young chicks? A brooder can even be made from a large cardboard box or usually a large Rubbermaid tote using a wire top to keep chicks in and family pets OUT.

If you need an actual cook - could you use part of a shed are garage until you have one? What people call "chicken tractors," aren't too hard to construct and will do in a pinch.

Hang on more advice is sure to start coming in.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2, a brooder can be made of almost anything, with the coop, at least you have some time since they won't be ready to use it for a month or more. Be sure to check out the BYC Coops section and you might do a search into pallet coops, they are popular since they are usually made out of scrap wood and can be any size and as plain or fancy as you want. ie

Welcome to BYC!

X3. You can make a brooder out of anything as long as it has a solid floor, and solid walls. Definitely stop by our coops pages for hints on building a coop for your new flock

Welcome to our flock and enjoy your new adventure!

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