New to chickens but going big!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 9, 2014
Cloverdale, CA
Hi Backyard Chickens!
I am new to both Northern California and chicken keeping. I first started keeping a few hens last year in a small 6 chicken coop and have since upgraded to a ~40 bird coop (12 nesting boxes huge!)
I am now working on which chicken breeds I want, dealing with a bobcat killing my girls and raising a sweet dog friendly rooster. I am really lucky to have my chicken friendly dog who watches over them!

I have lots of questions and I look forward to reading and seeing all your pictures!
LOL you sound almost like me !!!! This is my first year with Chickens. I have 1 coop with 4 girls. I bought another little coop for $50 for emergency back up. I also just found a 3rd coop I am getting this next week. SADLY I can't have 1 BIG one as hubby wants Tractors. BUT ... I have 18 eggs coming next week. I have chosen Wheaten Marans to set up with a breeding program. They will have one of the coops all to themselves . The other coop will be my Blue Marans, EE, Buff O and my Blue Rumpless Americauna .
We do sound alike! In my brooder I have 4 golden marans, 3 silkies and 2 delawares. In my coop I have 2 Araucanas, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 MIlle Fleur Leghorn (used to have 3, thanks Bobcat), 1 barred rock and 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte. I seem to be wanting to collect them all!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Nice coop setup! Good luck with all your projects, and the hatch!
Welcome to BYC
Ah, gotta love chicken math!

Welcome to BYC!

Nice coop!!! Who needs a rooster when you have a great chicken dog!!!

Enjoy your gorgeous flock and welcome to ours!
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