new to chickens, chickens and even more chickens

wild things

6 Years
Jun 22, 2013
hi, i'm new to chickens and I was planning( determined ) on getting chickens for the backyard. However, i'm having trouble selecting
a breed. I was thinking of getting 5 to start out with, maybe a silkie, buff orphington, easter egger, black copper marans? do
you have any suggestion for a beginner like me? I want chickens who are gentle not too flighty and peaceful.
thanks, wild things
do you want layers, meat birds, eye candy, or plan to hatch chicks. The breeds you picked are very nice. Cochins are another great breed - some of the breeds you mentioned are also available as bantam size. The eggs aren't as large but, they take up(need) less room, less feed, etc. if that is a consideration for you.
Thanks for the warm welcome you guys! :) I'm looking forward to many years of being a chicken mom around the cluck!
We are new to chickens this spring. We started with 6 golden laced wyandottes. They are a good dual breed (eggs and meat). I love them. Very gentle and sweet birds!
I've had my chickens for a year now, and we're pretty happy with the choices we made. The family's favorite hen is the barred rock...she's friendly, curious, and a great layer. The Easter eggers are fun and friendly, too, and more prolific layers than anything I read would indicate. Our wyandotte is a bit stand-offish, but she's gorgeous. She mostly stands around looking grand. The buckeye is a fabulous red color, and she's the flock guardian, chasing off cats and crows. Our buff orpington is friendly and low-key, and the brahma is big, white, and lovely.

For the record, I'm really glad I got a mixed flock. They're pretty out on the lawn, I can tell at a distance who's where at any given time, and the subtle differences in the egg colors make my cartons pretty.

Happy hunting! Choosing chickies is an awful lot of fun.


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