New to chickens? how many are you starting with?

Wanted to start with 5 laying hens, got 6 day-old chicks as I was worried about mortality. Almost 2 weeks later, I still have 6 very healthy chicks, but I suspect that I might have a rooster or two. I hope not, because I can't keep a rooster and judging by the number of "free cockerel!" and "free rooster!" ads in the local paper, they aren't that easy to get rid of around here.

I have 3 EEs (store said they were Ameraucanas, but I knew better), 1 Silver Wyandotte and two, ummm..... I'm not sure. One is either a Barred Rock or a black sex-link and the other is either a gold sex-linked or a "red broiler" whatever that is.

The chicks are in a "brooder" (the bottom half an an extra large plastic dog kennel), the new coop is built and moved from the garage to the new site, the trenches are dug to bury the fence 1' but the fence isn't built yet.

I'm ready to move the chicks out of my office, though, but it's too soon for them to go outside and the garage really isn't suitable, as it's also the spouse's workshop (until the actual shop is built, later this summer - glad I got the chicken coop on the build schedule before the shop). Think loud machinery and chicks - not a good combo.

Pics of the chicks, in another thread:
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Now I'm terrified! Most of you seem to have started with 4,5,6, etc and then doubled, tripled, and quadrupled your flock size. We just got our first chicks 2 weeks ago. I ordered and received 30 BOs plus they threw in an extra BO, and an extra "Mystery Chick" and 10 Red Sex Link (Red Stars) for warmth. 2 died, so we have 40! What's going to happen by next year? 80? 100? 200? Egads! I'm going to be the "Crazy Chicken Lady" in my neighborhood!
I'm going to start with 15 straight run barred rock and RIR with one white java thrown in. They are hatching 4/1. Since i'm in the city i'm planning to keep 3-4 hens. This is my first foray into chickens and everyone thinks i'm crazy. I'm planning on converting an old cockatoo cage into a coop after it's properly disinfected.
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I have four baby Buff Orpington pullets and built a coop just the right size for them. Now that the girls have been here a couple of weeks, I think the coop I built is not quite good enough. Since I am already planning on getting (at least) two Ameraucanas next year, I'll be building a bigger coop to fit everyone starting next month. I've already cleared the space, have a huge load of (reclaimed) 2x6s coming my way and am having a great time outlining the design in my head.
I started last May/June with a dozen, but now I have 32 more chicks in the brooder.
Definitely an addiction once you get started!
I'm pretty new too. I intended to have 4. You know what they say about the road to hell paved with good intentions...

anyhow, I had 2 baby chicks and one broody old biddy (Camilla). Camilla set on 12 eggs, stepped on 2, 2 others didn't hatch, 2 were roos, so they went to farmer who wanted them, so my 4 are now 9. How's that, math majors?
We are new to chickens too. We're starting with 6 chicks (3 EE, 1 Barred Rock, 2 Australorps) which are supposed to be hatched and shipped today! We're planning on doubling in August with 6 more chicks, but I'm not sure we will go much higher than that until we can afford to move out of the city and into the country with more property.
This is what I'm starting right now. We have 12 good laying pullets (6 black sex-links, 3 EEs, 2 white rocks, & 1 BO) that are just under a year plus 6 pullet chicks (3 red sex-links & 3 RIR or NHR) in the brooder that will be good layers. Add to that my 26 new assorted bantam chicks in the brooder, and I'll have more than enough big eggs to eat and sell for the feed fund plus all of my little pretties.

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