New to Chickens in Colorado


6 Years
Mar 4, 2013
Fort Collins, CO
Hi there,
Just joined the BYC community. I'm a happy wife and mom of three busy kids in Colorado and looking to add some chickens to our family! Received written permission from the neighbors yesterday to have chickens within 15 ft. of adjoining property line and rushed out today to get permit! Now all that remains is picking out/starting on a coop and we can bring our peepers home. Hoping to start with 4 and increase in a few years (city is considering allowing up to 8). Considering lots of different breeds, but drawn to Welsumers, Australorps, Wyandotte (blue-lace red or silver-laced), Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex, yeah, maybe just a bit of everything! Lol!
Very drawn to the Wichita and Garden Coop plans although I've never built anything that large before. Looking forward to a new adventure!!!!
Greetings from Kansas, WickChickens, and
! Pleased you joined us! Congratulations on geting chickens. So many breeds from which to choose!!! Best of luck in your selection have have fun!!

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