New to chickens in Texas.


Apr 16, 2015
Richland Hills, Texas
Hello all!

I am a plumber in Texas, and my wife and I recently "rescued" four hens from an elderly couple who could no longer keep up with the daily maintenance of having backyard chickens. There are 3 RIR's and an EE to go along with our Leghorn and RIR pullets, one of each. The hens are Chunkie, Daisy, Thelma and Sye, and my wife has since named our pullets Lucy and Ethel. We have already learned so much from reading posts here in the community and honestly would have been lost without some of the information found here. Looking forward to being part of this amazing community, thanks for having us.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! That's so nice of you and your wife to take in these hens that were needing help. I'm sure the elderly couple must be relieved too knowing their hens have got a good home. I love the names for them they are fantastic. Lovely to hear BYC has been so helpful for you already. Be sure to ask any questions that you may have, everyone here to help and very friendly.

Enjoy your new girls and BYC :frow
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. I love the names of your hens. Do I detect an "I Love Lucy" fan at your house? My wife and I were both raised in the great state of Texas not too far from where you are (Blue Ridge for her, Greenville for me), and I have relatives even closer to you (in Weatherford, TX). Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your rescued hens.
Hey Richland.....I just joined today after using this site a lot. I'm up near Denton. I was watching some YouTube videos last night and a guy in Nevada or Arizona (117 degree temps) was showing his chickens and how he keeps them cool but putting out a big pan with some water and laying bricks in the water (all in the shade). The bricks soak up the water (he keeps the water high on the bricks but not over them) and the hens lay and sit on the bricks. It was pretty cool to see them panting and hot and then they go sit on the bricks and they get rejuvenated. Texas heat is coming so just wanted to throw that out there. He's done it two years and hasn't lost a chicken. Welcome!
so glad you decided to join us.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

How awesome that you have rescued those chickens! I also have a hen named Daisy!

Good luck with them!

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to join the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC. :frow
So glad you decided to rescue those chickens. Good luck with your new girls! I'll have to try that brick trick. But our heat here, comes with high humidity, so it's not a dry heat. It's worth a try. Thanks!

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