New to Chickens - My pen stinks

That sounds rather scary to me, too.

Does anyone who uses DE use the shavings/droppings in the compost afterwards? Is this safe?

You would have to be around it 8 hrs a day 365 days a year to effect your health. There are a lot of old time carpenters that died from saw dust poisoning of the lungs. Pull it up on Google and there is a lot of good info on it.
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I really dont know what Negrita is....Ive had her since she was 1 day old, some guy that sells chicks sold her to me with my first flock. and he told me I got Marans, leghorns, prod. reds....I had:
a game bird
prod reds
marans but mixed marans
and she I think is something like andulsian??? (sp)

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