New to chickens- Problem with a growth


5 Years
Sep 28, 2014
Hi everyone,
I am new to raising chickens and have a problem at the moment with one of them. I have 5 in total 1 Rhode Island Red, 2 Golden and 2 Black Bantams.
One of the Bantams has a growth on both ears that seems to be getting bigger.
All the chickens seemed to have stopped laying and I don't know if this is a coincidence or could somehow be related to the problem with the bantam.

I am in Australia and the weather is getting warmer so my understanding is that egg production should increase

Any advice is much appreciated!

Oh my, I've never seen anything like that. Could it be from some parasite burrowing in? Please post your photos and any more details at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures, " thread. Hopefully someone there will be experienced with this sort of ailment.

You may also want to post on the aussie thread "Australia, six states and one funny little island." Please do update when you know something - we all learn something by the exchange of information. I hope someone has the answer for this and your chicken gets back to normal.

Is there any chance he could be seen by a vet?
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I agree with Drumstick Diva. Could be fly larva. You need to do some surgery on this to get that out of her before it kills her. Stop by our emergency section for more help with this...

Good luck and I hope you can get this taken care of soon!
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Thanks everyone for your comments and welcome.
Showed a photo to the vet today and he says it could be a bacterial infection and has given me a course of antibiotics "Baytril".
He also said Bantams are more sensitive to contracting things so we have to wait and see how it works. Will keep you posted.
I have read a little about Baytril and a lot of the information says you cannot have the eggs once they have been on this drug. Does anyone have any insight?
Welcome to BYC
Oh my, poor hen! Most medicines/drugs leave a residue in the egg for 14 days average, so as a precaution it's suggested that you discard the eggs laid during this period. I'm going to move this thread to the emergencies section so the experts can weigh in as well. Best of luck with your hen and please keep us posted!

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