New to chickens


6 Years
Jul 17, 2016
This year I jumped in with both feet and 46 chicks. 10 weeks later and down to 45 chickens, I finally have questions and frustrations. I'm hoping to learn a lot from your experience. Thanks in advance.
This year I jumped in with both feet and 46 chicks. 10 weeks later and down to 45 chickens, I finally have questions and frustrations. I'm hoping to learn a lot from your experience. Thanks in advance.
This year I jumped in with both feet and 46 chicks. 10 weeks later and down to 45 chickens, I finally have questions and frustrations. I'm hoping to learn a lot from your experience. Thanks in advance.

welcome to BYC :) What kind of questions do you have?
Thank you. New Hampshire Red (26 cockerels), Buff Rocks (3 male, 2 female), and Dominiques (14 straight run). I also have 2 Silver Appleyards and 4 Welsh Harlequins. They free range inside electronets. At night I have to isolate three buffs, all the dominiques, and separate the ducks. It has become a housing nightmare.
welcome to BYC :) What kind of questions do you have?

The Dominiques are terrified of the other chickens and have been since I introduced them at 3 weeks. They had been in separate brooders. Except for free ranging together, I still isolate them at night. Should I have brooded them in mixed groups? The New Hampshires and Rocks were so much healthier and active from the day I got them in the mail.

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