New to Chickens


Nov 28, 2020
Columbus, Indiana
Hi! I started my first flock of chicks and keets in June of 2020. I started with 12 chicks and 6 keets. I lost 1 chick a few days after we got them and have recently lost 1 hen and 1 guinea to a hawk. I thought the guineas would protect and alert my flock from the hawk but that didn't happen so I just bought a rooster. He was born in May so he's about a month older than my hens and guineas. He is the sweetest thing ever but that means my guineas and hens pick on him. Does anyone have any advice? I feel like maybe my rooster is still young and thats why he isn't standing up for himself. Any advice would be helpful.
Hi! I started my first flock of chicks and keets in June of 2020. I started with 12 chicks and 6 keets. I lost 1 chick a few days after we got them and have recently lost 1 hen and 1 guinea to a hawk. I thought the guineas would protect and alert my flock from the hawk but that didn't happen so I just bought a rooster. He was born in May so he's about a month older than my hens and guineas. He is the sweetest thing ever but that means my guineas and hens pick on him. Does anyone have any advice? I feel like maybe my rooster is still young and thats why he isn't standing up for himself. Any advice would be helpful.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
You don't yet have a rooster. You have a cockerel.
He needs to integrate into the flock and earn the respect of the girls before he can assert himself.
Had he ever tid-bitted or predator alerted in his first home? Not all cockerels/roosters are good at these things. And he will not really be able to protect the flock from anything. He just tries to keep a look out and give a warning call to give the flock a chance to get to cover. If you've had losses to a hawk, you need to lock your birds up in a secure run for a few days until the hawk moves on.

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