new to chickens


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Benson, NC
Is there a specific type of feed for different breeds? I think I have 2 partidge cochins and 1 buff. They dont have feathers on their feet so I guess they are not bantams. I have them on starter grower right now and how long do I keep them on that before I change the feed?
* lil country, Welcome!! As I understand, type of feed depends on age of chickens, and their ultimate use: show bird, egg layer or broiler or both of these. Can you tell us the approx. age of your birds?
I have only had them about 2 weeks and Im going to try and get some picks on here soon, but they have feathers but they are still "chick size" they hop-fly already, not too sure how old. I had 4 but unfortunately one passed away but I know it was much smaller than the 3 I have now. I might would guess 3 weeks maybe.
Then what is the best thing to feed them if I will eat their eggs and I think I read on here where they could be meat birds? A buff and 2 partridge?
Layers Pellets or Crumbles, supplemented with *green stuff*

Fresh water.

If they can range they will supplement their diets with all manner of bugs and plants.

Commercial feeds are perfectly safe for eggs ... if you want to go Organic, there are some stringent requirements
they are on chick sater feed till 16 or 18 weeks.then at that time you put them on layer pellets.
Even if they are standard cochins they should have feathered feet so they must be some other breed. You should feed chick grower or starter till week 18 then switch them gradually to a layer mix.


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