New to Chickens!


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Hi there!

My family just got their first round of what was supposed to be pullets (we ended up with 3 roosters we think). They are 3 weeks old. We got 4 Ameruacanas, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are loads of fun. My daughter is taking really good care of them...

She has a question. What temperature does it have to be outside for them to have a play date outside? They are not newbie chicks anymore. Today's high is 60. Is that too chilly for them to have a 15 min play time out on the back lawn??


Welcome to BYC!

Yes, field trips are great for chicks! And no, 60 degrees is not too chilly for a 15 min romp outside. I like to start out with about 15 mins and work up the time from there over the next few weeks. Their first trip out can be a bit stressful sometimes. Always supervise them at all times as they are hawk bait for sure. So never leave them alone. And you will need to start offering them grit in a little bowl in the brooder so they can break down anything they eat outside. Parakeet grit is fine.

Enjoy your new babies!! They will really benefit from getting out and help with breaking up boredom in the brooder. Welcome to our flock and enjoy yours!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2, chicks will enjoy field trips, with little ones I usually watch and as long as they are moving around doing chick things, fine, if they start huddling and acting cold it is time to bring them in... do be careful in that they are pretty darn fast at that age if they get scared.
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center

These are some 3 week old chicks who I put out for the day at 55F
and brought in when it got dark and temps went down to 40F
the feathers will keep them warm and just watch them

I would say let them play but keep an eye on them

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