New to Chickens


Apr 8, 2015
I just got chickens earlier today ( I've been wanting them for a while ) I've had the before when I was real little other than that I really have no experience... So does anyone have helpful hints or tips to keep them healthy out of trouble we live in the woods so i'm truly scared for them even though their coops close to the house I don't want to put them outside till their old enough and i'm for sure that its safe. PLEASE HELP
Thank You :)
Welcome to BYC. In your situation (near the woods) I wouldn't free range them when they are older. You will need a very sturdy coop and a secure run with top to prevent climbers, and predators from the sky etc. Please visit the Learning Center for a good chicken refresher course, and then the predator and coops section to give you tips and sound advice on protecting your birds.

The best advice I can give you is do not use flimsy chicken wire anywhere - use 1/2" hardware cloth securely attached to framing for your run, etc. It costs more but it will last and it will help repel predators, where as chicken wire will definitely not.
Good morning and welcome to BYC!

x2 on @drumstick diva 's advice, stay away from chicken wire when building and they would be most secure in a sturdy covered run for their outdoor area. Of course, you can free range chickens anywhere but you have to be prepared to lose them.

Good luck to you and enjoy your birds!
Thank you but unfortunately we already Have a chicken wire run but i'm not so worried about predators getting into the run as long as they can't get the coop at night and nothing comes around during the day... our Pyrenees puppy makes sure of that of course he doesn't mean to he just wants to be friends with everyone and everything! LOL
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Definitely check out the link provided by Michael.

Chicken wire is not safe so I would recommend getting something different if you want to ensure your chickens' safety.

Also, be sure to check out our learning center. TONS of helpful info there

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