New to ducks - have questions!


8 Years
Oct 20, 2011
Hello! I have fallen in love with the Mandarin ducks and want to get a breeding pair or two. I am new to waterfowl or any fowl for that matter. I understand now is the time to have them shipped, but my duck pen isn't ready. Can they stay in a horse barn? Stalls are 8x10 with rubber stall mats. This would only be temporary. I'm hoping to have a 12x14x6 covered duck pen with concrete pavers around the pool. I have a kiddie pool for their "entertainment" but wonder about freezing in the winter. (I am in NC). Might put some pea gravel in as well. Any plants that you recommend? Also, besides a nest box, what kind of shelter should I have? Would a large dog crate work? Any suggestions or ideas are more than welcome and very appreciated!
Unless wings are clipped or pinioned they can fly very well and would get out of a horse stall. They are very small ducks and fly very well. Ours hover in place briefly before changing directions. They make fantastic eye candy in an enclosed flight pen, but are nervous wild ducks. They can also climb well, so be sure the run is secure top to bottom.
Not here in FL, I believe most other states are the same, but always best to check with fish and game. That was an odd moment as I turned him loose that morning. They panic when I enter the pen, and ont enjoy being held.
Thanks ya'll!! After I posted this I found the Mandarin photos thread and the duck pens thread and am learning a great deal! I did plan on having their wings pinioned, but still will have the duck pen covered as we have hawks in the area. I'm pretty sure our feed store can order or already has the Mazuri waterfowl food. Is there some other tidbits to feed them? I can't wait to inundate you all with my photos! I sure have enjoyed yours!

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