New to ducks help with feed


Apr 28, 2016
NE Pennsilvania
My two khakis are eight weeks old now feed them Dun mor starter / grower when and what type of feed should we switch them to.they also get peas and corn every day and they root around the woods and fields.
According the Metzer's nutritional chart they should be on 17.5-19 % grower crumble until they begin to lay. Then they will need a layer feed or, as I plan to do, All Flock with oyster shell on the side. My ducklings and goslings just arrived yesterday so I've been reading everything I can about caring for them.
I need to switch mine over to something else now. They haven't been eating the chick starter feed I get at the feed store which I believe is purina that they just seperate and bag themselves. I did add Brewers yeast for them and I just added some cracked corn still not really touching it whereas they were before and now I think they are just being picky because they've had peas. But I need something else for the time being, they won't be on grower feed for another 4 weeks so I need an alternative soon because I've read they shouldn't just eat veggies.

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