New to ducks. Need some help, please.


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 25, 2011
Hi guys.
I'm still kinda new to ducks. I have two 8 month old penkin girls:) I have been noticing some strange habits though. When they are swimming, one will get on the others back and push her head under water. Is this normal? If not, what is it and how do I stop it?? Please reply! It'll help me a lot!
Whqt do their quacks sound like? Does one have a VERY loud anoyying quack? And does the other have a very low raspy quack? If one is raspy then thats a boy, if one is loud, then its a girl. And, does one have some curly tail feathers? If so then thats a boy. Boys =curly tail feathers, and low raspy quacks. Girls= VERY loud quacks, and straigh tail fethers..

PS: this doesnt work with muscovys
Neither of them are raspy or have curly tail feathers. So are they just pretending to mate? I'll post a better picture.

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