New to Ducks - Question about outside!


9 Years
Apr 11, 2010
Northern NC
We picked up 6 ducklings (we are pretty sure they are Mallards) last week at a local feed store, because they were giving them away for free. We are keeping them inside in a rubbermaid container, and they are pretty happy, but we wanted to expose them to the outside so a few nice friends gave us 2 small 4x4 chicken runs/tractors.

We don't know how old they are for certain, we are assuming they are 2-3 weeks old.

My main problem is the ducklings are (obviously) still scared of me, so today, it was very hard to get them out of the chicken tractor because we are having to lift it up and hurry and catch a couple.


Are they always going to be so scared of me because it is very hard to get them in/out of this little cage (we are thinking of making a door tomorrow). This is only temporary as we plan on putting them in our fenced in pond with a small duck coop in a shed.

My question... Is there anyway to make this task of letting them in/out any easier? And, will they always be so scared of me? Would be a lot easier if they liked me a bit!

Any other tips and advice are welcome as we are first time duck owners!
It's tough to predict how it will go...I have found that when raised with more than one or two other ducks, they tend to be more friendly toward one another than to humans. There are many exceptions to this, of course!

That is not all bad, though. They won't pine away for you. . .

As far as handling goes, I use bribes, with cats and ducks. You don't want to give them very many, but some petit peas (I buy them frozen and thaw out a handful when I want them) can help them associate you with good things. When they do something you like, when you need to get them in or out of something, use the peas to help them feel good about it.

My runners are adolescents (7 weeks) and seem to be coming out of a standoffish period between weeks three and seven. I am hoping they will once again come sit next to me or in my lap. Peas are helping.

Whenever I can, I try to use the environment to direct them where I want them to go - cardboard boxes, blankets draped over furniture, and such. They can become fearful of hands. I sometimes hide my hands when I talk with them.

Be creative and patient - they need their instincts to protect them.
We went to town and bought some peas today; the ducklings are outside again right now, swimming around. Hopefully the peas work, and if not we will just keep trying. They seem to like The Beatles music so maybe that will be the trick!

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