New to ducks!

Leahs Farm

7 Years
Apr 2, 2012
Hi! I am looking for some help! We just got 2 ducklings, a Peking and Rouen. We have chickens already. Right now the ducklings are in a box, a lot like a rabbit hutch, but the door is on the top. When I move them in with the chickens, should I just put the box in there (there will be a door cutout added in a few weeks) for them to sleep in? Or will they just sleep on the floor? We have never had ducks before, so this is all new! Any help is much appreciated! Also do you lock them up at night? We have only lost one chicken to a raccoon, but nothing else seems to bother them. Thank you!
It really depends. My ducks sometimes sleep on the ground, and some times sleep in the dog house (I use a dog house as shelter for them). Although you probably should make sure they have shelter so that if they do come across a predator they have somewhere to hide. I usually lock them up at night, but I've actually never lost a duck or chicken to a predator. I've always lived more in the city though.
Thanks for your help! This is all new to me, so any info helps greatly!

Could I ask how old were your ducks when you let them out to roam on their own? Also how old when you introduced them to the older ones?
I usually gradually introduce them. When they are little, I put them in with the bigger ducks, but in a cage. So that they can see them, but not hurt them.
Last year I put one of my ducks with the other ducks and eventually they started to get along. Although, she was still a little confused about the drake. He kind of scared her when she was swimming and he got on top of her. During this time, I had another duck laying on eggs. Anyway, she was small enough that she could get into the other pen that where my other ducks nest was. When the ducklings hatched, she acted just like a big sister. She would watch them and play with them. Although, their mom didn't know this and would chase her away whenever she saw her get near them. Eventually she got used to her and realized that she wasn't trying to hurt them.

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