New to ducks!


6 Years
Mar 16, 2013
Harvest, Al
Hello! Ive been here a few months because we finally decided to own chickens and so we have been doing that whole thing...then our daughter wanted a duck which turned into 2 ducks Fluffers and Butters!
Going to be reading a lot on here but I wanted to know how many of yall have chickens and ducks together just like a whole group? Can the ducks just eat the chicken food? We have them all on chick starter but when the hens start laying we have to change the feed, what do we buy for the ducks?
we are intalling a 50gallon mini pond in the yard this week for the ducks as well, Ive always wanted a water garden and well this gives me the best reason to finally have one! When you Have a pong that size is a filter needed? We plan on a few fish and some plants for the pond as well. Just gathering info for that whole thing!
I have no idea what kind of ducks we have or ages, just bought from a local person who has the family on the property, they are small but not like newborn...maybe 2 weeks old I think. We have them in a brooder inside with the light and everything we have been doing for the baby chickens just not in the same brooder right now.

anyway HELLO!
In the past I have kept my chickens and ducks together without a problem. I plan to do the same with my new batch, but it is a bit tricky to get everyone settled. If you have a drake then the main issue you may have would be him trying to "get friendly" with the hens, which can result in injury or worse. I make sure to have plenty of ducks to keep a drake happy so that the chickens aren't bothered.

As for feed- there are a few options. I am raising my ducklings and chicks on Purina Flock Raiser (20% protein). This can be fed their entire lives(both chickens and ducks) but it will become neccessary to supplement with a calcium source when they reach laying age. NOTE: If your ducklings get to spend time foraging outside, or get healthy treats then you may not need to change anything through the duckling stage. If they do not have those things available, then it may be neccessary to cut the protein in their food to prevent angelwing.

Ducklings can be raised on Chick starter, but it is best if it is unmedicated. It is also neccessary to supplement with niacin in the water or food because ducklings need substantially more niacin than chicks. This will prevent leg problems/weakness. Many people feed them the same layer feed they feed their chickens as adults.

I do not know much about a pond filter, but you will have some very happy ducks!

Welcome!!! :)
As Rosie mentioned - they can eat the same feed. Just supplement with niacin for the ducks while they're growing.

I have two chicks and three ducks. They do not get along yet. My drake is a bully, unfortunately. Since they're all around five weeks I'll be putting them in the coop together soon. I'm already planning on having to build a divider in it if necessary.
Just got some new adult ducks, one drake and one hen, and we already have 10 chickens and one roo. We have a mesh divider until the the ducks get settled away, but it only goes half way, so there were 4 chickens and roo in there this morning!! LOL I think they wanted to try out the duck food. No fighting. I think the ducks were scared!
I need some tips on taking care of Mallard ducks they are five weeks old I will take any information.
A 50 gallon pond with ducks will not support fish. They are going to get that water so nasty so very quickly. Ducks also love plants. You will need to find a way to duck proof the plants or they will just be a tasty snack for the ducks.

I have a 1000 gallon pond with filter and 5 ducks. I can clean it and have clear water for a day. Day 2 is cloudy. Day 3 is poopy.
We decided to half bury a kiddie pool and line the top outside with bricks and rocks. Seems like it will be easy upkeep draining the pool out by the plug (burying it with gravel around it to drain easily). So no fish or water plants just the pool and water. And some toys lol
I'm not sure how you can tell what is male or female! How can you tell beside the vent sexing, I don't want to risk harming the cute things!
Since the chickens have free range and their own foraging garden bed the ducks will have the same, I planted more garden seeds today for more delish snacks for them all. Thank you all for the great advice

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