New to everything


5 Years
Jul 7, 2015
Peru, Indiana
Hello, my name is Janet, I am completely new to the world of chickens, And I am grateful to have stumbled on to this site. It has proven quite valuable to me, I thank all of you for being such a knowledgeable site. I received 6 road island reds that were app 1 1/2 weeks old, they are now app 6-7 weeks old. They seem to be doing well. I also just received a small chicken that was being severely beaten up by hens and roosters from my uncle. I have no idea what breed or age he or she is but he or she is quite traumatized and has several injuries. Each day I think he or she is a little bit more relaxed then something startles it back to the nesting box. I suppose One day at a time applies to everyone...anyways, thanks again for offering so much wonderful information.
Ps: here is a picture of the newbie if anyone happens to know if it's a boy or girl and what breed I would be so grateful. I will continue to keep going through the pictures in the breed section trying to learn more about him or her.

I looks like you have a Game bird there, and it certainly looks to be a boy. :D Have fun looking around on BYC, be sure you check out your own state thread.
I felt like his tail didn't seem right to me. I had suspected that maybe he was sick, scared, or traumatized enough that he just didn't hold it right. What is fly tying? I can't stand to think he was treated bad by a person too. Yesterday was a good day for him, he wandered quite far from his coop, at first, I was worried because I couldn't find him, I called but he doesn't know his name yet nor does he come to me so I was terrified I had lost him or he would be left outside the coop over the night...I went in to freshen up everyone's food and water and as I came out, I almost stepped on him, he was sitting at my back door. He allowed me to carry him to his coop and he even ate and drank as I was standing there. He always freezes when I'm nearby and won't even eat worms I put beside him. And this morning not only did he come out for his breakfast and fresh water but he actually ate a couple bites of food from my hand! I'm thrilled! Anyways, thanks again to any one that is responding to me, I am eager for any and all help I can get.

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