New to forum...Coop picture for your viewing pleasure!

I would lift both the waterer AND the Feeder up off the floor.

But hey, those look like some very happy barred rock girls!
Very nice coop!....
I have seen some people with what looksl like PVC piping as feeders.....does anyone have good pics and advice on how to make that or a link to a site which does?
Very nice looking coop but I have one question. What kind of dog did you have that took that big of a house?
Yes they are just dowel rods.... is that bad? We have ample room on the ladder to place other roosts if needed...

I believe the people that owned the house before us had St. Bernards.....that's possibly why they needed such as big dog house! LOL
2 x 4's with the wide side up is better so the birds don't have to grip and balance all night long while sleeping. If it gets cold, they settle down over their feet to stay warm. I would swap out dowels for 2 x 4's.

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