New to hatching and chick might need help - picture


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 6, 2009
Cumming, GA
I have a chick that pipped in the middle of the night. Around 5:30am there was about a dime size hole. At 8:30am the hole was huge, almost half way around the egg. The shell is broken off in that part and you can see the membrane (white). Part of the chicks wing is out of the shell and dried off now. Should I intervene? It was peeping occasionally, but have not heard it in a while. It is now nearly 4pm, nearly 12 hours since it began. I have seen movement though not as much as before. Never done this before and don't want to lose this chick when it is so close. Please help.

I would definately help it....Try to do it as fast as possible, but very carefully still.....The membrane will be dried and probably stuck to him. If you can remove the egg and work on him under a light, this way he stays warm and you dont harm the others by letting too much humidity out.....
Get warm water handy and wet paper towels just in case you need to moisten things. If you help it go slow and pick little pieces of the shell at a time and stop if you see blood. I don't think it can turn and zip with it's wing stuck out the hole. Are the other eggs trying to hatch yet or do they have any pips?? It may mess up their hatching if you open the bator...but if they haven't pipped yet I think I would help it out if it were me.
With a wing out like that for hours the little sucker is definitely stuck, can't get his head around and his feet set. And with that big an opening he's unlikely to bleed. Start small and tiny bits at a time but get to doing it here soon.
The other 2 eggs have not shown any signs (no peeping or movement) of hatching yet. Today is day 20. I am going to go help this poor chick now. Keep your fingers crossed for me and wish us luck.
yeah get him out, seems like he's struggling or looks like he's stuck, just stop if you see any signs of blood and but a moist cloth around the egg.

good luck, keep us posted
yep just snatch that egg out of there quick and close the lid and work on it out of the bator and let us know how it goes!

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