New to hatching and chick might need help - picture

If it is pretty dry or you can carefully dry it with a cloth then I would put it under the heat lamp so you don't have to open the bator again. Did you get it out already???
I only say to keep it out of the bator cause your bator looks small and I would think opening it again would lose you a lot of humidity.
If the chick comes completely out of the egg without bleeding just go ahead and get it under the brooder light and let him rest. If he bleeds he has to go back into the humidity in a damp cloth to rest.
OMG That was awesome!!!! We have a healthy, squirmy, loud baby chick! She is now under the heat lamp (took the advice not to open my incubator again). I saw only one spot of blood on her leg. The membrane had really dried out where she had opened the shell herself. I poked holes all the way around through the shell and then went back to break the membrane. About halfway she really started pushing and actually got one leg through, but then I finished and she stretched out. The shell was stuck on her just barely so I pulled it off gently and viola! No membrane or anything stuck to her so I gave her a gently rub with a dry cloth. My 2 sons watched the whole process and my youngest kept hiding his face (the whole I can't watch but I can't not watch). Here are pics of right after getting the shell off and after placing under the lamp. Now another question: she is moving away from the heat lamp and panting a bit. Do I have the lamp too close (it is about 18" away now) and should I put some water for humidity in the bucket?



if the baby is panting it is probly to hot but if there is room for her to get out of the heat to a comfertble level dont worry about it , if there isnt room then try rasising it about 2 inches and see then if she is still to hot another 2 inches ect
Okay those pics were messed up. I don't know what I did wrong, but lets try again. The first pic shows her sitting up sort of and the second she is more like squatting not quite laying flat.


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