New to laying hen. Soft shell egg and lash egg!



Apr 7, 2019
So one of my 6 ISA browns laid their first egg three days ago and then a second egg the next day. Yesterday she was huddled in the corner,wouldn't come out of the the roosting box. She didnt eat all day and just layed around refusing to come out. She drank a ton of water but no food at all. Today she was behaving the same way. I read up on her symptoms and it seems she was either egg bound or egg yolk peritonitus. I ruled out it being a stuck egg with an external and internal "feel" but soaked her in an Epsom salt bath and separated her from the others. She was getting more lethargic over the hrs and I finally decided to blend some of her soaked scratch with a scrambled egg and water and dropper it I to her mouth. She didnt resist at first, and just huddled back in a corner of the pen I had her in for another he or so until she perked up a bit and stood up. I felt her crop and it seemed empty so I dropper fed her again, this time she resisted a bit but was still a little weak. Within 3 minutes of that feed she excreted a huge puddle of clear, slightly slimy liquid

But at least she was slowly walking around and even pooing as before it was very few and far between. She went back into the enclosure I had prepped for her and rested again and I decided to give her some blueberries just to see what she would do. She pecked them and turned away again, so I left her be for a few hrs to rest and when I came back she was almost happily walking around.. still a bit slow and not 100% but significantly better. She pooed again and this time it had more mass to it

She was pecking at the door and cackling to be let out so I let her in the yard and she foraged a bit before getting a little tired and resting in the sun for about 10 minutes and then doing some more foraging. After that she's been totally fine other than not wanting to perch on the roost so I put her back with her "sisters" and left her be for the evening. Bedtime came around and I went out to do a quick check and I found a shelless egg without the yolk in their roosting box.

I took it out and snapped a quick photo before one of the girls jumped up and ate it... idk if I should be worried that their was no yolk in the shelless egg (because it seems maybe the yolk broke inside of her and it was egg yolk peritonitus). I'm afraid maybe she'll get an infection if that's the case and all will be lost. I did call the vet when reading up on what it could be to see if they could just prescribe DURAMYCIN-10 or the equivalent and they said we'd have to do an exam and a sample of the fluid in her abdomen and then they could write a prescription but the exam and sample would run about $150 and the prescription could only be ordered because they don't carry it and it would be another $50 at least and not be here till mid next week since they couldn't see her till monday. We live on an island so it seems chicken meds wont come easy (or cheap for that matter) and I'm worried she might take a turn for the worse. Any thoughts? I'm very new at this. Raised these girls from day old chicks but haven't ever had a chicken before let alone one that lays or is a new layer. Any advice would be appreciated. I also forgot to add that I added electrolytes to the water she was drinking but not very much as I was afraid the salt would be too much.
Since she just started laying, it's possible the yolk may have broke inside her but you would be seeing yellowish liquid discharge also. It would certainly cause infection internally.
It's also possible that a yolk did not form in the egg making process and you wont see yellow discharge.
All you can do for now is observe her. Let's hope a yolk didnt form. As long as she's eating and drinking normally and acting like a chicken should, she should be fine.
It would even be better if you saw her lay another egg. Let us know what happens.
My oldest son is just telling me that the day she was sick she had some poo that looked similar to uncooked yolk. He just thought that might be normal though. Today her poo is greenish/real which is odd. Shes finally perching again this morning which we couldn't get her to do the last two days. I was actually a bit relieved this morning to see her feeling so good but after hearing that she might have had yolk in her poo a few times I'm still worried. She hasn't laid an egg yet but the 2 days she did it was between 10am and 11am so I'm impatiently waiting for that time.
There's no way financially or logistically for us to do that right now. My husband would cull her before spending over $200 on "possible" solution. I know that sounds harsh, but we have 4 children and we live in one of the most expensive places in the U.s. also none of the vets that are comfortable seeing chickens open till tomorrow and the prescription for antibiotics would have to be mail ordered. While I really love this chicken it's just not an option. I feel terrible, and really hope she doesn't get an infection. I didn't realize when bought this type of chicken that when they're bred to lay so well they have such bad reproductive problems and won't be buying this type again as I can't justify doing that to a chicken for the sake of more eggs sooner. My goal at this point is to do my best to keep these girls happy, and somehow force them to not produce so much so fast... which I'm not positive is possible but I plan to at least try.
I had a very similar situation with one of my girls. She had been lethargic and vent area was dirty. So being a first timer, I took to the internet to figure out what I could do. No chicken vets nearby and the only one I found only did house calls. $$$ Not an option.
I did the epsom salt soak to clean her vent and massage her crop, gave her water with coconut oil, sprinkled calcium on watermelon (which she seemed to like immensely). after she ate and drank a bit, she let go of a large watery poo/pee with some yellow spots. A bit later, she let go of another smaller, firmer poo but still not normal. Very similar to your photos. I also gave her liquid B vitamins with a syringe. Kept her in the house (confined to the laundry room) for three nights. She seemed fine, released her to the yard. She was ok for two days and was down again on the third.
I brought her in and did the spa treatment, massaged her crop, gave her calcium and coconut oil. I also did a finger sweep for an egg (disgusting by the way). Kept her in two more nights and she was ok. She remained ok for +/- two weeks. Today she is down again. Have just started the treatment again. I don't know what is causing it so I am keeping tabs on your thread. Good luck and I will advise if I make any discoveries.
I will call the feed stores and see if they carry that.

I know its gross but here's a picture of her poo today. Don't mind the mess... I haven't cleaned it in a few days as I've been nursing the sick girl and I've got a home with 3 small kids and very moody preteen.
I will call the feed stores and see if they carry that.

I know its gross but here's a picture of her poo today. Don't mind the mess... I haven't cleaned it in a few days as I've been nursing the sick girl and I've got a home with 3 small kids and very moody preteen.View attachment 1875086
I figure if somethings coming out, she isn't clogged, right?
Right! I'm thankful shes going at all because the first 2 days I really didn't see anything, but I'm thinking that's because she wasn't eating. I realize she had blueberries yesterday and blueberries do all kinds of weird things to my 1 and 4 year olds poo so I'm thinking that's the culprit behind funny colored excrement.

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