New to me: Rhode Island Reds

On their feet?
It can happen on their feet but Is more common on Combs and wattles. The larger they are, the more vulnerable to frostbite. Don’t worry though as it’s more common in roosters with large combs. your girls don’t appear to be as susceptible, with their decent sized combs, and I wouldn’t worry until your really see the signs. Do your research of course and make sure you know what those signs are just in case.
It can happen on their feet but Is more common on Combs and wattles. The larger they are, the more vulnerable to frostbite. Don’t worry though as it’s more common in roosters with large combs. your girls don’t appear to be as susceptible, with their decent sized combs, and I wouldn’t worry until your really see the signs. Do your research of course and make sure you know what those signs are just in case.

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