New to Peafowl not by choice but chosen

It is generally better to move the cock into the hens pen so if you are having a problem with them establishing the pecking order put the hens in a different pen for a while then introduce the cock. All of them will have to establish the order at some time but they do not generally hurt each other, they want the other bird to submit. If you do not have extra pens I would try letting Professor in for visits making them longer with each visit. (Or let nature takes its course and let them figure it out.)
Professor is happily residing with her new friends, Manu and Coral, both from Spring Creek Peafowl. They are all getting along very well. Manu’s tail is growing and he is showing it off to the girls. It is hard to believe that I am hooked on these birds. I love watching them and cannot wait for the weekends when there is a little more time.

Professor is a much slighter build then the blues. I cannot wait for spring.
By the way, Poppa P has a BYC connection. A very knowledgable breeder and part of the UPA used to post here under the name of Deerman. Unfortunately for us he passed away a few years ago. He sent eggs to another member that lives here in Kansas and she hatched the eggs and raised the chicks. I bought him from her.

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