new to peas... questions

I'm assuming orange in the last photo is a male while black is a hen and I can't tell if the taller one is orange or pink, I think the small one is also a male and the big one is a female.
Orange in the last photo is a definite female. The reason being 1) faded away baring on the wings and upper body 2) The green color on the neck is not really as intense as it should be on a male and shows distinctive female pattern of white and green neck.
Number 2 definitely looks "off" to me, too. FWIW, one of the best investments I made was a digital kitchen scale and some here can tell you how anal I am about weighing and using that info as a tool to help keep my peas healthy. A healthy peachick this age should be making daily weight gains and should not stay the same or lose *any*.

Poop is another thing I pay very close attention to... The majority of it should be well formed with a white cap and should never have blood or yellow in it. Yes, heat, stress and food can cause it to be runny, but runny, combined with "that look" *always* means trouble at my place. Far too often it seems that people post here about their chicks and after five days of people saying it could be this or it could be that, it dies (I think this happened to at least four people in the last 10 months).

In addition to being anal about weighing, I'm also that way about supportive care, specifically, tube feeding.Tube feeding chicks is harder than tubing adults, but it can be done and I'm willing to help anyone that wants to learn. Just PM me and I'll reply with my phone number and talk you through it.

If you think there is a problem, time is key... In my limited experience, the younger they are, the faster they die. Of course the first thing that comes to my mind is blackhead, but that's because I've been dealing with it for almost two years now. The second is secondary bacterial infections like E. Coli, but again, that's because it's what I've been dealing with. Coccidiosis comes in third, but it can kill just as fast as the other two, and the symptoms are *very* similar.

I don't want to freak you out and I can't tell you what to do, but I can say what I would do...
  • Listen to my gut feeling.
  • If possible, go to a vet. Vet will have stuff for tubing and will have metronidazole as a liquid suspension. Dose for poultry is 30mg/kg, so the vet will probably have it in 50mg/ml. If not, you can have it compounded for you and sent overnight from, but you will need a prescription. My last bottle from them was a 250ml bottle for $45 and lasted over a year.
  • Weigh all chicks at same time every day until I establish weight gain pattern.
  • Get metronidazole (see above), fenbendazole, Corid and a good broad spectrum antibiotic like Clavamox (prescription needed) or Baytril.
  • Get supplies for tubing - Catheter, syringe, baby bird food and pedialyte or lactated ringers solution.

I really hope I'm over reacting, but in the past I have bitten my lip and waited to say anything and by then it was too late.

Hope this helps,
Kathy- Thank you- so glad to have your concern and input. So now I'm on it. I've copied this info, already got a digital scale. Lucy has roosted with the peeps about 9' up. The pen is closed, so I should have no trouble catching the peeps in the am (have my nets) and will get weights on each.(I figure comparative weights between #2 and her siblings may give us some indication) I have an excellent vet who specializes in exotics- and I will rush #2 and your info to him ASAP. In the mean time, The meds I have on hand are...Sulmet (sulfamethazine sodium solution) 12.5%, Duramycin-10. (tetracycline hydrochloride slouble powder), Ivermectin (5 mg ivermectin per ml), and Nutri Drench-Poultry. Will any of these be of help?
The chicks have had some Dianeaceous Red Earth dusted on a bit of food a couple times. Other than that, no worming. Have'nt seen their droppings, but will try to examine tomorrow.
I may have to pull my old microscope out and see if I can do a flotation to spot cocci. (I used to be a vet-tech in a former life). Vets send stool samples out now, but back in my day-we techs did it. So, if my ancient microscope is up to it, I might be able to find out if #2 has coccidia- soon as I can get a dropping.
Thank you, Molly
The little pied second from the left in the second photo looks like the only female but the photo is kinda blurry, how old are they?

My cats are wild ones we only keep them to keep the mouse population down but I know that they won't mess with my Indian Runner ducks, they own the yard only I can step foot in my yard not getting chased by the drake and hen.

#2 IB: Female, by the looks of it she looks healthy probably just getting a little to hot that is usually the reason when wings drop is to cool down or just barrely flapping the wings without completely leaving their body. Usually you can see if they are sick looking in their eyes they will keep trying to shut them and they wlll look like if they're in pain

IB Back Lt # 2: Female

IB Rt # 1: Male

Pied #4: Male

Pied #3: Female

IB #2: Female

Middle IB #2: Female

IB Rt #1: Male

IB #1: Male

Pied #4: Male

I don't know if some of those pics had the same peachick so I did all of them. Rt means right and Lt means left correct? Cause I don't want to be giving wrong info.
Hey Thanks guys,- the chicks are 2 weeks plus(16 days). Yes Birdrain, the pics are duplicates of the same 4 chicks,#1 &2 are IB and #3 & 4 Pieds- just different angles, but your answers were consistant with each of the #s. Now the only place you and Zazouse differed was # 2 the IB.(you say female, Zaz says male) From your earlier lessons and descriptions of sexing, my quesses matched yours and Zaz', except #2 had me stumped. I see only the tiniest difference in its barring, and a slightly more buff color to the chest feathers, maybe... a hint more brown hue than rust to the feathers....but you seem so sure, what are you seeing?
The little pied second from the left in the second photo looks like the only female but the photo is kinda blurry, how old are they?

My cats are wild ones we only keep them to keep the mouse population down but I know that they won't mess with my Indian Runner ducks, they own the yard only I can step foot in my yard not getting chased by the drake and hen.

#2 IB: Female, by the looks of it she looks healthy probably just getting a little to hot that is usually the reason when wings drop is to cool down or just barrely flapping the wings without completely leaving their body. Usually you can see if they are sick looking in their eyes they will keep trying to shut them and they wlll look like if they're in pain

IB Back Lt # 2: Female

IB Rt # 1: Male

Pied #4: Male

Pied #3: Female

IB #2: Female

Middle IB #2: Female

IB Rt #1: Male

IB #1: Male

Pied #4: Male

I don't know if some of those pics had the same peachick so I did all of them. Rt means right and Lt means left correct? Cause I don't want to be giving wrong info.
Hey Thanks guys,- the chicks are 2 weeks plus(16 days). Yes Birdrain, the pics are duplicates of the same 4 chicks,#1 &2 are IB and #3 & 4 Pieds- just different angles, but your answers were consistent with each of the #s. Now the only place you and Zazouse differed was # 2 the IB.(you say female, Zaz says male) From your earlier lessons and descriptions of sexing, my guesses matched yours and Zaz', except #2 had me stumped. I see only the tiniest difference in its barring, and a slightly more buff color to the chest feathers, maybe... a hint more brown hue than rust to the feathers....but you seem so sure, what are you seeing?

I am thinking #2 is not quite well, Its not at all hot here(-this is Ohio we're talking about) in fact we have had non stop rain since the chicks hatched. The mother has had them out side exclusively since they were 2 days old. she does keep them under her allot, but sometimes on damp ground, and runs them mercilessly around the yard when the sun is shining, but again through very wet grass. I'm frankly surprised they are as healthy as they are, but #2 has my radar up now. Kathy has given me some info, but any other input is welcome.

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