New to pheasants...


15 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Ludowici Georgia
I was given two "green mutant pheasant" eggs, I have them in the incubator on day 8. I've been looking for info. on them but come up short! Is this the proper name? Also is upkeep for all breeds the same? I need expert advise please I want to give them the best care and home possible!!!
I was given two "green mutant pheasant" eggs, I have them in the incubator on day 8. I've been looking for info. on them but come up short! Is this the proper name? Also is upkeep for all breeds the same? I need expert advise please I want to give them the best care and home possible!!!
Glad to see someone trying to get info before they get birds.Most people get the birds and then rysh to get info on how to care for mutants are also known as melanistics,which is a ringneck mutation.Not all breeds are cared for the same,but yours are not on a special needs diet.A good gamebird crumble(I recommend unmedicated) for chicks and then a gamebird pellet as adults.I also recommend feeding them from a dish and not throwing it on their pen floor.They love fruits and veggies,mealworms,peanuts(unsalted only).If you feed them grapes please cut them in halfs or quarters.I lost a beautiful temminick male by chooking on a grape.They need a covered pen with brush piles or xmas trees for them to hide in.If you go to you will find all the info you need on pheasants in the top left clcik on pheasants and peafowl.
In N.H.,Tony.

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