New to quail.

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Bobs are a wonderful Quail species to keep, I raised them for over a decade. The average hatch day for Bob's is day 23-24. They can hatch early or later than this depending on when the eggs were collected, how they were stored before hand, incubators settings and genetics. Congrats on the hatch and enjoy your Bobs!

These eggs were brought from a farm in Michigan. I’m in Iowa. They were packed well when received. Let them set for 24 hr. In incubator at 99.5 an 60% humidity, then 70% humidity at lockdown. Sound right?
The machine settings sound perfect! And considering these are shipped eggs, the eggs did well. The earlier hatchers may have started to develop before the others during shipment, the late hatchers took a couple more days to catch up. Shipped eggs can hatch in a staggered manner. Good job!
Howdy, :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!

Your temperature was OK but your humidity was too high during incubation, should have been between 40 to 45% during incubation. The last 3 to 4 days of incubation, it should be raised to 50 to 55% humidity. Do you have independent, calibrated, thermometer(s) and hygrometer or did you use the machines sensors? Never, ever trust the instruments sensors, they are highly inaccurate.

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate

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