New to raising baby chicks.


In the Brooder
Aug 1, 2015
Hi, I just picked up 6 Barred Rock chicks about 8 days old. I've raised Guineas and Turkeys, but never chickens. I've read through some of the topics here but wanted to be sure I wasn't missing anything. I currently have them in our coop/brooder. I just brought these girls home today and was wondering if anyone had any tip or advice. This forum seems to be filled with plenty of experienced people and can't wait to learn from you all.

Is there anything I should be feeding them other than chick starter? Do these girls need to be dewormed, and if so, at what age? Thanks.
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have them outside. They are completely secure from predators to include snakes. Unfortunately, I lack the space to brood them inside. Will this be ok? Thanks.
If you can raise them outside, they will feather out and mature faster. It's healthier for them and easier on you. Just chick starter is fine. They have dirt to play in which keeps them out of trouble. I deworm once a year when the flock goes through it's molt. No eggs wasted. I don't feel chicks need to be dewormed until then unless you have wasting, unexplained loss or other health issues going on.
Thank you so much!! I was afraid someone would tell me it wouldn't be a good idea. What's best for their bedding? Should I try and teach them to drink? I ask because I was reading that I would need to do that. They're 8 days old already when I bought them. I did see two of them drinking on their own.

I was also reading a few threads in the Learning topics, and some have a difference of opinion when it comes to socializing with chicks. Should I handle them, not handle them?
Thank you so much!! I was afraid someone would tell me it wouldn't be a good idea. What's best for their bedding? Should I try and teach them to drink? I ask because I was reading that I would need to do that. They're 8 days old already when I bought them. I did see two of them drinking on their own. 

I was also reading a few threads in the Learning topics, and some have a difference of opinion when it comes to socializing with chicks. Should I handle them, not handle them?

Pine shavings for bedding, they are alergic to cedar, pile about 1-2 inches. Usually you pick them up and dip their beak in the water on day 3. You can defiantly dip their beaks in, it wouldnt hurt. But if they are 8 days old they they have probably figured it out. If not they would have died. I would handle them. For sure. It will be beneficial for you and the chickens. Less stressful for them. And easier for you.

Any other questions?
They know how to drink at 8 days old but it probably wouldn't hurt to show each chick where the waterer is by dipping its beak.

I use pine shavings for bedding once chicks reach 1 week of age. I would offer some chick grit if going the pine shaving route.

Outdoor brooder is superior IMHO.
Hi wondering just got rooster week ago and my hens dont sit on eggs how will they know its fertile and have to sit on it they only stay on the egg for 5 mins then hop off will i have incubate or...?
Hi wondering just got rooster week ago and my hens dont sit on eggs how will they know its fertile and have to sit on it they only stay on the egg for 5 mins then hop off will i have incubate or...?

When a hen becomes broody, they will sit on the eggs. Some breeds are more prone to become broody than others. try doing a search for broody hens.

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