New to raising chicken.


7 Years
May 24, 2012
Rockland Ontario
I am new at raising chickens. I have a 48 acre property and decided to raise a few chickens for fresh eggs and for their company. I built a tractor coop 4'X6' and a 4'X8' run on wheels and used half inch hardware cloth because I do have lots of predators. I received my 6 one day old chicks on 18 April, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Columbian Rock and 2 Rhode Island Red. They just turned 5 weeks old and so far all is good. I really enjoy reading this forum and I`m sure I will still learn a lot. I want to thank all for sharing your experiences, you`ve all been a great help. I don`t know what I would have done without this forum. Again thanks to all.
Always nice to have new people I recommend doing a forum search for you state, region of the state, and the breeds you have/want to find the experts in your area/field of interest. Plus cruising what's current on the homepage will almost always provide a conversation of interest to jump into. Have fun!

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