New to raising chickens - I hope I'm doing it right


7 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Spartanburg, SC
Hey everyone. I've been raising chickens for 3 months now. I hope I'm doing this right.

We live in the city, so we have a small brood. Ordinances say we can only have up to 6 hens - no roos.

We have a RIR, Ameracauna, and Australorp, which are pullets, and an Orpington and Sussex, which are juvenilles/chicks. We raise them for eggs, and I like their company in the garden.

There is so much info out there, I get overwhelmed sometimes. And I'm so clueless, I find out things I should have done, after I make a mistake. So hopefully, you'll help me out so I can be a good mama to my chickies. :)
from washington state glad you joined us!

you have come to the right place byc is the best for learning and the people here are great!
from West Virginia!! Glad you joined us! I'm new to this too. I have 5 in my "flock". I have 2 Buff Orpingtons (one is a roo) and 3 Reds. Still haven't figured out what type Red..will have to post a pick in the breeds section and see if someone can tell me. This site has so much information on it!! It's GREAT!! oops...Hope Tony the Tiger doesn't sue me for copyright infringement!!

Welcome to the Coop!!!!

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