New to raising chickens in KY


Feb 21, 2017
Dawson Springs, KY
Hi, I am Rachel I am a first year chicken raiser lol. Mine are stating laying eggs daily and I want to start hatching them, but I don't know anything about that. I get all different colored eggs. I never knew there was green eggs until mine started laying them lol.
Yes, I have 3 roosters and one is very active lol. I want to use a incubator. I want to be hands on and see them hatch. I am stay at home mom with my 8 month old daughter, so i have the time. This country life is new to me and i am loving it.
Great! You can post them here, but it's best to post the in the What Breed or Gender is this? forum.
Greetings from Kansas, Rachel, and
! Great to have you in our flock! Looks like you've already received some great links so I'll just say best wishes, happy hatching, and thanks for joining BYC!!

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