New to Raising Turkeys


Jul 11, 2023
I have 3 Narragansett turkeys. I’ve raised them since they were 2 days old… they are big enough to move out of the larger pen they are in. Wanting to either let them roam or get an extra large dog kennel for them. Any advice?

Also, what age can you start sexing turkeys? Mine are right at 12 weeks.
Wanting to either let them roam or get an extra large dog kennel for them. Any advice?
Do both!

One thing, though, is that on days they are loose, they will go to roost on top of the kennel instead of inside it. I would suggest you try to teach them a routine of going inside the kennel before it gets close to roosting time (dusk).

Other people on here that are not me have theirs trained to go to bed properly. I have never been able to manage that. I think the key is to catch them early enough in the evening, train them consistently to go IN and not ON (maybe with treats?) and not let them get in the habit of going ON in the first place.

Getting out to do lockup at the right time is something I consistently fail at. I have two groups of poults now that I am going to try to train. We shall see whether or not I am able to.

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