
Aug 2, 2016
Rochester, Wisconsin
Good Afternoon.. My name is Kathy and me and my husband Todd have sparked an interest in backyard chickens in our community. As of right now, we are in the process of getting the permits to get the chickens. So we don't have any coop or chickens as of yet. Doing my research on the backyard chickens. I am really excited.. If anyone has any advise on what kind of chickens to get etc. we are looking for a chicken that would lay between 1-2 eggs a day. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.. We live in Rochester, Wi. Which is about 45 minutes south of Milwaukee.
Greetings from Kansas, Kathy, and :welcome. Happy you are about to take the poultry plunge. Breeds to get? Well...there are as many opinions a out that as there are members on BYC! :p. Everyone has their favorites, of course, but certain breeds lay better than others (but one egg per day is max but not everyday..chickens don't lay an egg a day everyday). There are lots of other things to consider: birds size (feed costs), temperament, and egg color. Here is a link to a chart that discusses characteristics of various breeds. The fun is in the search. Oh, and consider getting a mixed flock...I like a wide variety in the barnyard. Happy hunting!
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If you are looking for a high production breed the Leghorn will keep you in the eggs. However, you will never get 2 eggs a day from any hen.

Good luck and welcome BYC!
Nice to meet you Kathy, you might consider Buff Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers - good layers but, not to the extreme. EE's also tend to lay pastel eggs which are fun for kids etc.
and enjoy the great community!

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