New to the coop!


Jul 1, 2022
Hayden, ID
Hi Everyone! Living in Hayden, ID (which is North Idaho). Purchased our 11 chicks from a local poultry farm on May 23rd. I am a first time chicken owner and am so excited to learn from all of you experienced chicken keepers! I have 1 Black Copper Maran, 3 Wyandottes (I believe) a few Easter Eggers, 2 Idaho Gems and 2 Eggopolis Blues. I believe those last 2 types are his cross-breeding variety of chickens. The Gems are supposed to lay green eggs and the Eggopolis Blues are supposed to lay blue.
I've been lurking and reading on this site for probably a good month and decided I needed to be a part of this community. My girls are growing and I am trying to nail down a good coop design. Since we just moved into our dream home (been here about 3 weeks now) I want to make sure I provide them a safe and happy home just like we have. =) Once I get the coop going I will post (hoping for some suggestions and/or tips) for other newbies to see as well.
Thanks for having such an informative site!

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