New urban flock - Which breed would you pick?

I purchased 2 Orp Buffs, 2 Barred Rocks, & 2 New Hampshire Reds.

Of the six, the Orp Buffs seem to be the most friendly and interested in what's going on. I picked the OBs and NHR for layers and the 2 BR for meat birds.

My DH and I are new at this as well, so we are starting small and working up to more birds as our experience increases.

Depending on what you want your birds to do... Meat or Eggs will help you decide what birds to purchase.

Good Luck with your purchase and enjoy! I'm amazed at mine and I've only had them less than a week.

PS - Welcome to BYC - You will learn a lot... we have!

I would get some barred rocks, some rhode island reds, and some buff orpingtons, and white leghorns, and black sexlinks

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