~NEW~ Vampire and Werewolf War RPG

Jasmine shrugged. "I guess so," she muttered.
Dario open the door and lead her onto the back porch.
Rose and Izzy where seated on a bench looking out into the back yard they both turned to look at Dario and Jasmine as they came out the door.
Jackie was sitting on the floor curled into fetal position glaring at Izzy and Rose
Dario open the door and lead her onto the back porch.
Rose and Izzy where seated on a bench looking out into the back yard they both turned to look at Dario and Jasmine as they came out the door.
Jackie was sitting on the floor curled into fetal position glaring at Izzy and Rose

"Hello," Jasmine greeted simply.
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"Hi." Izzy greeted
"Who is she?" Rose nearly growled.
"No! you've turned another! You awful monster!" Jackie screamed at Dario

"Hello," Jasmine greeted Izzy. "I'm Jasmine, and he wasn't the one who turned me," Jasmine said to the others not enjoying how they where asking about her to Dario.

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