NEW What Ya Got Swap! Please see post #1 for rules!

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Just curious if some of the things I have would be good for swapping.  I have probably over 50 of the vintage 1/2 gallon blue mason jars.  Hand blown as you can still see air bubbles in some.  I cherish these things but just have to many.  Didn't know if anyone else would want them or not.  Trying to come up with some unusual stuff for swapping.

I know I would! :D
I can do 1/2and1/2 breese silkie with a few extra serama to go out today (tuseday) my other order is waiting for the weather to get better so no frozen eggs. Or can ship after the vortex leaves.
Mine please, because I'm a hopeless fool. I never got bresse eggs from swaps from the end of 2012. I'd be thrilled with seramas too of course. :D Silkies, well, lots of people around here might want them.

2 Goat Milk Soaps
3 sets of Bath Bombs
1 pack of laundry powder (20.6oz, does 41 regular loads, 1TBSP per load)

**Swap page is not updated, please ask, don't refer to that because it's just plain wrong and I haven't taken a moment to update it**
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I am keeping my eye out for silkies
i may be offering silkie eggs soon, from my SQ stock. Hatching season is over and spring shows are about to begin.
It has been a while sense i have swapped here, so i may be on the lookout to grab and item or two.
4 RiR eggs
4 2in thick goats milk soup with eucalyptus leaf in it.

Wanting any other breed to add to my yard. Just a few eggs ee's would be great.
4 RiR eggs
4 2in thick goats milk soup with eucalyptus leaf in it.

Wanting any other breed to add to my yard. Just a few eggs ee's would be great.
Spencer are you trying to take bettacreaks offer? Only 1 offer is up at a time. Check the first post on this thread and the what ya got chat thread to see how this thread works. (It is a pay it forward model)
And welcome!
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