New with chicks... things I could now not live without


8 Years
Feb 10, 2011
Sussex County, NJ
I am brand new to chickens and we have 28 in the brooder right now. I thought I would share a list of the items I have discovered are invaluable to me now (my DH thinks I am totally nuts now). My list used to include cute shoes, funky watches, and nice business suits, it now looks something like this...

1. DUCT TAPE (my new best friend, used for everything from securing that red lamp to creating a box, to taping hardware wire edges, etc)
2. Hardware wire
3. The biggest brooder I could fit and afford to build (and I was going to use a rubbermaid tub, instead I have a 15 sq ft and a bad case of chicken math
4. Zip Ties
5. Paper towels
6. Hemp cord
7. A thermometer that is accurate, easy to read, and can be hung so it doesn't get pooped on

8. Triple Antibiotic just in case

9. Lots of old ratty towels

Anyone care to add?
I know you already said them, but zip ties! I LOVE zip ties!!
With zip ties and duct tape you can fix anything!! I WISH I had a 15 sq. ft. brooder!

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