Newb Here


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 28, 2009
Larwill, In
The name is Dave. I am currently 17. About 5 years ago I bought some chicks and had a nice size beginners flock of about 25 birds. Had a couple of mean roosters too. Those are fun to have around the house. All in all it was quite the experience. As time went one so did the birds and I had to get rid of some. Last year about this time I had about 4 of them left and decided to get rid of those. I am really starting to miss them.

So today, we are coming home from boating and a couple of my neighbors are down by the road talking. They are both farmers so they had taught me some good stuff. One said that Chis from across the field is wanting to get rid of some 1 yr old hybrid hens. Here is my big chance to get back in the chicken business. I would just keep them as pets and weed eaters. I failed to make any money one my birds at all. At their peak, I would make about $10 a week in eggs, but I had to buy the supplies so they lost money, but point for starting was not to get rich. I invested about $1500 in them all in all, which is more than I have dumped in my

BTW I live in a woods in Indiana and I cant see any houses from my house so I am very secluded. We also have a owl issue. I lost 2 bantams is 2 days because of them.

My main issue is a building. We made a 10x12 shed with a cement floor with some Anderson windows for my original flock. (If anybody goes to Disney World, it was based off of a little cabin in the Epcot World Showcase) but it is now and tool shed and it was too nice of a building for chickens to dirty up. If anyone has some building plans or some pictures that they are willing to share, I would appriciate it a lot...

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Welcome to BYC... there are lots of free coop plans online... that's where I found mine.

Here is a pic of mine in the corner next to our Tuff Shed.


We have 7 nest boxes that can be accessed from the outside (between the coop and the shed)

Mine is an 8 X 10 with the small run you see in the foreground. We currently have 14 adults in there with some 9 week olds that should be in the coop in 7 weeks.

Good luck.

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