newbe chicken owner


In the Brooder
May 10, 2015
Parkdale, OR
We recently became the proud owner of 8 baby chicKs. We are looking for a coop that is able to be dismantled easily and put back together. We are in a rental and will move with I the next year or two. We live in Parkdale, OR.
Most decent coops are, esp if you need something big enough for 8 chickens. All those cheap Chinese prefab ones hold HALF the number they advertise, so really none are good or more than 2-3 chickens. I got mine from the guys at The Chicken Gardener (they're in OR, too), and I love it. Also not cheap though and mine isn't portable. Though if you bought a separate coop and built a run you could break down the run and move both pieces.
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