Newbie! Considering Chickens, How many to start off with?

When considering HOW MANY:

Get half as many as you want, but build the enclosure big enough to keep 3 times that many.


You want 30 chickens.
Buy 15 to start.
Build the coop to house 45 chickens.

I promise.
Doesn't matter how many you will get, you's gonna git more.

You planning are a garden? Then double the size you think you need for a garden and fence off two of them, let the chickens have one for a year, then switch them over to the other for the next year. The chickens will weed and feed the next years garden plus do most of the tilling for you. Also if you're planning for a Orchard, chickens are great for keeping them bug free without spraying pesticides, plus keeping the weeds/grass short (or gone) and fertilizing. Having a garden and chickens are both efforts requiring feeding, combine them to cut your work to 1/4 of what it would take for separate operations.
hokankai! In my opinion, if you want friendly chickens, you need to spend time with them. Being near them, so they are comfortable with you, your voice, and your normal walking patterns. You want them to come when called? FOOD! chickens love food. Mine are suckers for a handful of raw oatmeal. Chopped apples is another treat they cluck like crazy for!:thumbsupGOOD LUCK & BEST WISHES ON YOUR FLOCK.
Start with a dozen peeps, but be prepared to want more! (it's contagious, this chicken love stuff!)
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I think general breed disposition also has something to do with it. (Though there are always exceptions.)
But, my kids and I always handle, spend time with, feed treats to our chicks/chickens. It hasnt always been the case that they turn out to enjoy contact with us or become less skittish (I couldnt wait to take the leghorn mixes to the guy I hatched them for!!)
yup i too suffer from chicken mania... i do not think there is a cure and i am not looking for it! i am however wanting to find a rental house on some acerage as cheap as possible so that my 3 chicks that turned into 7 chicks can multiply into many more! there is a breed chart on this website. so you can look at them info on their eggs, and temperment, and climate needs,
and decide based on your needs! good luck
I really like a mix, cause you can tell them apart! And it gives their eggs a little variety too. and look nice in a bowl. If you have 3-4 people in the house I would suggest, 5-6 chickens, up to 10. It will still give you enough eggs to give to someone you owe a favor to!
LOL!!! For sure!!!!

I will go ahead and third this suggestion. I wanted just a few. Got 6 right off the bat. then added 3 more and one more on the way. So yeah good thing I went big on the coop. Chickens are too fun. and Ill second to get a mix of chickens. Im not experienced enough to help you with breed choice. But I think with constant interaction any chicken can be freindly. I have a mix of chickens and they have all been handled regularly and they are all pretty friendly. Not super tame, but they are still young and I think they are getting better each day and with each pound of treats I give them. Mine are Rhode Island red, wyandotte, andalusion mixes. The others are cochins.

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