newbie duck owner question

I tried paper towels, newspaper, pine shavings, and puppy potty training pads, and the puppy pads are what I like best, it's the easiest cleanup and it's not slippery for the little duckies!
Figured this was the exact place i can count on for answers! lol I LOVE ducks. They are cute, funny, & from what i've seen, & read, can be very socialble. I had a pair of Rouens, but they were full grown, & weren't as socialble as i would've liked, so i figured i'd start with ducklings, & go from there. Now for the questions, (lol) I was lucky in this instance, due to the fact that i knew someone that knew someone, & i got these ducklings free of charge. The problem, I have NO Idea what kind these lil guys are. Nor if they are Male/Female. I figure the older they get, the more you will probably be able to tell the distinction, but i'm hoping someone will actually know. My guess is they are Pekins. Too cute i know that, & if anyone has advice on making them as social as possible, it would be appriciated. Right now i'm spending about 40 mins a day with them. I'm guessing that i may have to bump that time up some, because i do want them to know me.
Any thoughts would be appriciated!

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