newbie DUCKS


May 20, 2015
geneva indiana
Ok I got two baby ducks for my special needs son who is obsessed with ducks I have them in tote heat lamp water food ok the hard work done. So I thought. I've been told don't use cedar chips then I get told it won't hurt them, I have no idea what to do these are my first duckies and don't want them to die by using wrong bedding my son's heart would break if they died. PLEASE HELP ME OUT ASAP!!!!
You may do better posting on the duck threads at "Other Backyard Poultry," forum above. I know the fumes from cedar are bad for chickens but,don't know if it also affects ducks.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Congratulations on your new ducklings. I'm not a duck person but I would have thought it would be the same for ducklings as chicks with the cedar shavings. Could you maybe use paper towels or something similar untill you can get non cedar shavings? Here is an article on brooding ducklings ~

Please do drop by the duck section too as drumstick has suggested for more help on your ducklings.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your ducklings, I really hope your son thoroughly enjoys them.

Enjoy BYC :frow
I have mallard babies and they are now one month old (got them at one week) and ive been using cedar shavings in a tote and they are perfectly fine!

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