Newbie From Eagle River Alaska


5 Years
Apr 6, 2014
Hey all, been reading as much as I can about getting ready to raise Chickens. Low and behold the wife jumped the gun and brought 6 chicks home. The kids fell in love right off the bat, so I am burning the midnight oil doing research. My first question is, Can I even own chickens were I live? I have been trying to search the Anchorage Municipality Ordinance, but as you can imagine that is a maze of government paperwork. I will do anything to make sure these little ones grow up. Any help you all have to offer is greatly appreciated.
Also, If anyone lives around here with a coop I would love to see how you prepped it for the winter. Thank you...
Im not from your area but Hello & welcome to BYC :). Most states have local threads. There is great info in the learning center on coops - make sure it has good ventilation.
Best of luck :)
great to have you joining the BYC flock

That can be answered as easley as calling the local police or Sheriff's
department and asking if you can have them as pets and how many
or as live stock .....

BYC has a very useful learning center

Some of our flock

hello and welcome! learning center is a good place to start, gander007 is right on both points he made. good luck with your chicks! gander what type of Guinea do you have? how well do they do with chickens? sorry off topic!"

Welcome to BYC!

The first thing you want to do is call your local town hall and ask. They can tell you all you need to know! We also have a Local Chicken Laws and How To Change Them section with lots of threads on many areas of the country and maybe yours is listed there.....

Also, check your states thread to chat with others in your area and maybe they have some info for you and they can also help you with surviving your brutally cold winters....

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten good advice and links above, hope you are able to have chickens!

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