Newbie From Nova Scotia =)


Jun 2, 2021
Hi there! =)

My husband and are fairly new to the chicken scene but we are so in love with our chickens already! So intelligent and entertaining! I figured this would be a nice place to learn and share. I decided to copy and paste the suggested template. Cheers! =)

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

My husband and I got our chickens and guineas about a month ago.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

We have a total of 9 chickens and 3 guineas

(3) What breeds do you have?

One Silkie rooster named Rocky

Two Rhode Island Red hens (The Rockettes)
Six Brahmas (names TBD)

Three guineas (pearl variety)

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

I have been blown away by the social dynamic of chickens and their overall intelligence. It's been fun to interact with them. That moment when the chickens started sticking to their nighttime routine, putting themselves to bed, lol I don't have children but I felt like a proud mama. Is that weird? 🤔

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

Gardening and photography

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

My husband and I are newlyweds. I think? Two years married coming up in October...That's pretty new, right?

A few years ago we purchased a fixer upper in the country. It's been our dream to have a home in the country and enjoy country living. The dream has come true but it's been an ongoing project. Thankfully, my husband I are visionary types with the know how and sheer stubbornness to shine up our diamond in the rough. Cookie cutter types we are not.

We have a sheltie/terrier mix named Molly. She is loving all of her new bird friends and we love her to bits. Not long before we got the chickens we had to put down our cat, Charlie. Very tough. We used to call Charlie our therapy cat because he always seemed to know when we needed cuddles the most. The chickens have actually helped us with the greiving process which I didn't think chickens would have that ability.

I admit prior to getting chickens I didn't think much of them. We started with the guineas because of the tick problem we have and figured that's where it would end. Then, we got Rocky the rooster. We saved him from the chopping block. Our friend had 4 roosters and Rocky was the problem child apparently. He offered Rocky up to us and of course we couldn't say no.

After some research we realized we needed to get Rocky some friends so he wouldn't be lonely. That's where the "Rockettes" come in. Two beautiful Rhode Island red ladies for our handsome, Silkie rooster. Rocky and the Rockettes are a very happy trio lol.

Then we ended up with some young Brahmas. There are 6 of them and they all stick together like glue....all day lol. They are pretty skittish at the moment but gradually coming out of their shell. I think it's because they don't have the size yet to assert themselves. I call them the "mission impossible" team because they are always waiting for the coast to be clear so they can file into the pen to get their turn at the feeders. I try to leave food and water in various places around the yard just to be sure. We let them all free range and so far we haven't run into any trouble except for when we were training the guineas to understand where home is lol

Anyhoooo, that's they story of the chickens and how my husband and I became quasi chicken farmers. One thing I know for sure is we have fallen in love with our chickens and I see more in the future 😊💗

Cheers! 🐓🐔🐥

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D

I found BYC while Googling everything I could find on chickens. Have known about the site for a few weeks and decided to make the leap to member because everytime I type a question into the Google search bar, my answers are typically found here. That and I needed to find a place of like minded chicken lovers as I believe my friends and family are starting to worry about me lol

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